The Imitation of Christ (Book I) by Thomas A Kempis Videos
Ch. 01 On Following Christ Our Model
"No one who follows Me will ever walk in darkness" (John 8:12). These words of Our Lord counsel all to walk in His footsteps.
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Ch. 02 On Having a Humble Opinion of Oneself
Knowledge is a natural desire in all people. But knowledge for its own sake is useless unless you fear God.
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Ch. 03 On the Teaching of Truth
Persons who are taught by truth and not by symbols or deceitful words are really blessed and happy, for they learn truth in itself. Our own opinions and lack of knowledge often lead us astray, because we do not know the truth as it is.
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Ch. 04 On Being Prudent in What we Accept and Do
It is not good to be taken in by every word or impulse that comes our way, but consider the thing prudently and thoughtfully in order not to offend God.
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Ch. 05 On the Reading of Holy Scripture
It is truth that must be sought in Holy Scripture, not beauty of expression. It should be read with the same spirit in which it was written.
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Ch. 06 Concerning Inordinate Affections
When people desire anything to an excessive degree, they immediately lose their peace of soul. The proud and avaricious are always perturbed; while the humble and the poor in spirit live in peace and contentment.
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Ch. 07 On False Confidence and Arrogance
It is foolish to put your trust in humans, or in any creature for that matter.
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Ch. 08 On Avoiding Too Much Familiarity
Do not open your heart to everyone, but only to one who is wise, God-fearing, and who can keep your confidence.
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Ch. 09 On Being Obedient and Submissive
To be obedient, to live under a superior, not seeking our own way, is great virtue. It is safer to obey orders than to give them.
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Ch. 10 On Avoiding Superfluous Words
Flee as much as possible the company of worldly people. For discussing worldly matters, no matter how good the intention, is a great obstacle to the spiritual life.
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Ch. 11 On How to Acquire Peace and on the Desire to Improve
We would indeed have peace if we would attend to our affairs. How can you remain in peace when you deliberately interfere in other people's business...
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Ch. 12 On the Advantage of Not Having Everything Our Own Way
it is good that everything is not always to our liking; for adversity makes people look into their hearts...
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Ch. 13 On Resisting Temptation
We will never be free of trials and temptations as long as our earthly life lasts.
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Ch. 14 On Avoiding Hasty Judements
Watch over yourself and take care not to judge the actions of other people. We gain nothing by criticizing others, but often are mistaken and thereby offend God.
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Ch. 15 On Works Done from the Motive of Charity
Never is evil to be done for any worldly gain nor for love of any human being. But there are times when a good deed may be deferred for the benefit of one who is in need...
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Ch. 16 On Bearing with the Defects of Others
There will always be defects in ourselves or others which we cannot correct. These we simply tolerate until God in His goodness sees fit to change things.
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Ch. 17 On the Religious Life
If you want to get along with others, it is necessary to curb your own will in many things.
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Ch. 18 On the Examples Given by the Holy Fathers
Look at the shining examples of our ancient Fathers and the Saints, in whom true perfection and religion flourished and then you will see how little we do by comparison.
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Ch. 19 On the Exercises of a Good Religious
The life of a good religious should be distinguished by virtue, being inwardly as one appears outwardly, for He who sees the heart is God, whom we should always reverence.
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Ch. 20 On the Love of Solitude and Silence
Seek a convenient time to search your own conscience, meditating on the benefits of God. Restrain curiosity, read only those things that will move you to contrition rather than give you distraction.
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Ch. 21 On Compunction of Heart
If you want to make progress, keep your soul in the fear of God and never wish to be completely free. Discipline your senses and never indulge in hilarity.
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Ch. 22 On the Consideration of Human Misery
You are wretched wherever you are and no matter which way you turn, unless your turning is to God. Why are you easily upset just because things do not go your way?
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Ch. 23 Meditation on Death
The hour of death will soon come for you. See to it that you spend your time here well.
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Ch. 24 On the Lst Judgement and the Punishment for Sins
In all things look to the end and how you will appear before the strict judge. Nothing is hidden from Him, neither will He accept bribes, nor receive excuses.
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Ch. 25 On the Fervent Amendment of Our Whole Life
Be alert and diligent in the service of God, thinking often why you were born and why you have left the world. Was it not that you should live only for God and become a spiritual person? Certainly it was.
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