The Imitation of Christ (Book II) by Thomas A Kempis Videos
Ch. 01 On Interior Conversation
Our Lord says, "The kingdom of God is in your midst" (Luke 17:21). the only way your soul will find rest is to turn to God with your whole heart and abandon this wretched world.
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Ch. 02 On Humble Submission
Do note be concerned about who is on your side or who is against you; just be sure that God is with you.
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Ch. 03 The Peaceful Person
You must first have peace in your own soul before you can make peace between other people. Peaceable people accomplish more good than learned people do.
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Ch. 04 On Purity of Mind and a Simple Intention
We are lifted up above earthly things by two wings: simplicity and purity. Simplicity regulates the intentions and purity affections. Simplicity looks to God and purity finds Him and savors Him.
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Ch. 05 On Knowing Yourself
We cannot count on ourselves much, for often through lack of grace and understanding our judgement is a limited one and we soon lose what we have through our own neglect.
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Ch. 06 On the Joy of a Good Conscience
The glory of a good person is the evidence of a good conscience. Have a good conscience and you will always be happy. A good conscience can bear a great deal and still remain serene in the midst of adversity, while a bad conscience is fearful and easily ruffled.
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Ch. 07 On the Love of Jesus Above All Things
How blessed are those who know how good it is to love Jesus and to despise themselves for His sake. Jesus wills to be loved alone above all other things and we must forsake all other loves but His.
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Ch. 08 On the Familiar Friendship of Jesus
When Our Lord is present, all goes well and nothing seems hard to do for His love; but when He is absent, everything is difficult. When Jesus does not speak to our soul, no other consolation suffices; but if He speaks only one word, we feel great inner joy.
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Ch. 09 On the Want of All Comfort
It is not hared to despise human comfort when the comfort of God is present; but it is quite another thing, and very dificult, to be able to do without both human and divine comfort and be willing to endure this desolation of heart
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Ch. 10 On Gratitude for God's Grace
Why do you seek rest here when you are born to work? Dispose yourself to patience rather than to comfort and to carry the cross that than to enjoyment.
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Ch. 11 On the Small Number of the Lovers of the Cross
Jesus has many lovers of His heavenly kingdom, but few cross-bearers. Many desire His consolation, but few His Tribulation.
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Ch. 12 On The Royal Road of The Cross
"Anyone who wishes to follow Me must deny self, take up the cross, and follow Me" Mt 16:24). Many think this is a hard saying; but it will be far harder if, on the day of judgement, a person hears those terrible words: "Depart from Me, you accursed, into the eternal fire." (Mt 25:41)
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